This is a program for students between the ages of 18 to 21 who are eligible for special education and have not earned a high school standard diploma.

About the Program

WINGS provides first-hand independent living and work experiences within the community according to the students’ individual needs. Students are presented with instruction related to pre-employment skills, work experiences, functional independent living skills, self- advocacy, friendship and dating, and social emotional growth.

  • This program serves students between the ages of 18 to 21 with a wide range of abilities.
  • Students qualify by graduating from High School with a modified or alternative diploma and are eligible for an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Students in this program no longer participate in regular education classes.
  • Through the IEP process, appropriate learning opportunities are provided for individual student abilities and goals.
  • Each student’s unique learning experiences encompass a sequence of activities that build knowledge in a particular vocational and/or functional academic area.
  • Learning experiences expose students to all aspects of the work world and promote the development of broad transferable work and life skills.
  • Real or simulated tasks or assignments are provided in the classroom and community which encourage students to develop higher order critical thinking skills.
  • The WINGS program works with Benton County Developmental Diversity and Vocational Rehabilitation to support at successful transition into adulthood.

Registration is required for all students. Please follow the steps below to register for WINGS.

  • After August 1, parents/guardians will receive an email from the Crescent Valley registrar with instructions to complete online registration. While WINGS is a separate program from the high school, online registration is part of our enrollment process.

The WINGS Transition Program schedule is 8:30 am – 3:10 pm, Monday-Friday. We follow the holidays and winter/spring break schedules on the Corvallis School District annual calendar.

Steps to Register for WINGS for the 2024-25 School Year

  1. Obtain a WINGS Registration Packet from the district office.
  2. Complete the registration form.
  3. Return the completed form to Michelle Giles or Rachel Stalter WINGS Transition Program, 4444 NW Highland Dr., Corvallis, OR 97330.
  4. WINGS will have an open house (date and time TDB). Parents and guardians are invited to drop by with your student to see the rooms and meet our staff. Both sites, the Harding Center and Crescent Valley, will be open.
  5. The first day for WINGS students is TBD.

WINGS Classrooms

WINGS is a broad program and serves students with a wide range of abilities. Although WINGS is one big program, it serves students in two locations, Harding WINGS and CV WINGS. Case Managers decide which site is the best location.

  • The WINGS program’s goal is to have the classroom be the community.
  • The WINGS program currently has 25 community partner work sites that students access throughout the day.
  •  CVHS location includes five classroom spaces and 3 ADA bathrooms. Classrooms provide space for sensory support, physical therapy, cooking, CV WINGS business, and art.

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