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Winter Weather and Safety Reminders

photo of winter driving conditions

With the change of season comes shorter daylight hours and a wintry mix of weather. CSD will be sending a TEST emergency alert message to all student households during the second week of November. If you are the legal guardian of a current CSD student and you do not receive a phone call or email, please contact your child’s school to update your phone number. 

Please visit the Emergency and School Closure Notifications page for more information about our emergency notification process. Contact the Corvallis School District central office at 541-757-5811 if you have questions.

Snow Routes, School Zones, and Parking Lot Safety

In the event of icy or snowy roads, some bus routes have snow routes if conditions do not permit following the regular route.  During the first week of December, Snow Route information will be shared with families. 

In all types of weather, please give yourself extra time in school zones and parking lots.

  • Avoid distracted driving including the use of cell phones and other devices
  • Use your school’s approved drop-off and pick-up zones
  • Take extra care to watch for pedestrians and bikes
  • Follow school crossing guard directions & remind your student to use crosswalks when available

Winter Roads

Each year we see a wintry mix of freezing rain, snow, ice, or flooding. The decision to delay or close school is based on:

  • the ability to operate school busses safely
  • the ability of students and parents/guardians to drive safely
  • the ability of employees to get to work on time and safely
  • the suitability of our facilities for occupation, as well as the condition of local infrastructure

How We Communicate School Cancellations and Delays

In the event of the decision to delay or cancel school, parents and guardians are notified with an automated call and email, typically at 6:00 am or 7:00 pm.  

When there is a delayed start

  • School starts two hours later than regularly scheduled
  • Before-school programs are canceled
  • Buses may be on snow routes, bus rider families will be notified with an automated call and email.

When school is canceled

  • All schools are closed and typically all school meetings and events are canceled

Please contact the school office if you have any questions.

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