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Support for Students and Families

School lunch

Supporting Families

The care and support for our most vulnerable families continue to be a priority. Donated food and supply “pantry bags” are being delivered to families in need. The Welcome Center is a coordinated effort of Corvallis School District staff, generous donations made by donors through the Corvallis Public Schools Foundation, Dial-A-Bus of Benton County, The Arts Center, Corvallis Assistance League, and local faith communities and community members. We are grateful for the outpouring of food, financial assistance, gift cards, art projects, and supplies.

Donations continue to be accepted at the Welcome Center, located at the Western View Center, 1435 SW 35th Street  Monday through Thursday from 9 am to noon.

Donations needed include:

  • Pantry-style, shelf stable foods: pasta, rice, beans, canned foods, peanut butter
  • Hygiene supplies: toothbrushes/toothpaste, soap, shampoo, pads/tampons, toilet paper
  • Cleaning supplies: laundry detergent, dish soap, paper towels

The Welcome Center is only open to designated staff who collect, pack, and coordinate distribution. Financial donations may also be made to the Corvallis Public Schools Foundation, visit https://cpsfoundation.org/contribute/donate/

Free Drive-up grab-and-go Meals at 10 school locations

Drive-up grab-and-go meals will be available to children 18 years and under from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm at Adams, Jaguar, Lincoln, Mountain View, and Wildcat Elementary Schools, Cheldelin and Linus Pauling Middle Schools, Clemens Primary in Philomath, Santiam Christian School, and Corvallis High School (from 4:00 – 6:00 pm only). One breakfast and one lunch will be provided per child per day.

Families are encouraged to pre-order lunch using a form, available on the school menu page, and updated each Thursday afternoon.

You may order at any time through Thursday each week. All children will receive a meal regardless if a pre-order form has been completed. Pre-ordering meals will help us plan meals and reduce food waste. An email will be sent each Thursday to all families with a link to the following week’s pre-order form.

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