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Superintendent’s Update

Shared with the Corvallis School Board during the May 7, 2020 meeting

Teacher Appreciation Week

While many of us are experiencing a daily routine that has been turned upside down, one thing remains the same. Our teachers are connecting with students and continuing to earn the well-earned reputation of being the trusted adult in so many of our student’s lives. Thank you for being patient, flexible, caring, concerned, and creative in your work. We appreciate our teaching staff!

Watch the 2020 Teacher Appreciation Video

Budget Outlook

We have been preparing our budget for the 2020-21 fiscal year and I will deliver my budget message at the May 14 Budget Committee meeting. The proposed budget does not include assumptions about the COVID-19 impacts but we know that there will be significant aftershocks to the economy and to the general fund.

On May 20, the Oregon Office of Economic Analysis will release the next economic and revenue forecast. This forecast is an important predictor of the strength of our economy and will likely show a significant reduction in revenue that will trigger the state legislature to meet in a special session to determine revised funding levels for school districts and other state agencies. We must be prepared to adjust our 2020-21 budget outlook when this information becomes available.

To be ready, I have directed our executive team to explore the options available for us to navigate the anticipated funding shortfall. My goals are to preserve school days for the 2020-21 school year and to maintain a strong workforce.

Social Media for Good

Plenty of positive and uplifting things are happening in and around our district and we are kicking off several weeks of celebration, acknowledgment, and encouragement on the CSD Facebook and Instagram pages. Our district Communications team will be publishing a number of social media themes through June 19, 2020.

Themes include #MentalHealthMondays, with thoughts and ideas from our mental health and wellness staff, #CSDatHome, featuring the creative classroom projects that students are completing, the videos you are producing to engage with your students, and the ways that Distance Learning has come to life in our district. We have also invited staff to share the story of their co-workers that inspire them, with the #WeAreCSD theme, and last but not least, #PetsOfCSD will feature photos of staff pets enjoying the perks of their stay at-home humans.

Wi-Fi Access Locations Expanded

To support the learning needs of students, our district has expanded internet access for students in south Corvallis and other neighborhoods. These locations are in addition to Linus Pauling Middle School. Wi-Fi access is available from 7 am – 10 pm, 7 days a week.

New Locations include parking lots at Lincoln Elementary School, Mt. View Elementary School, and Adams Elementary School, between the district administration building and the school. Student devices will automatically login through the district filter at these locations.

  • Families are reminded that if you come to the area by car, please plan to remain in your vehicle.
  • If you are not in a vehicle, please practice safe physical distancing (6 feet or more) from others.

The areas will be monitored, but no supervision will be provided.

Free Meal Site Locations Expanded

Two new locations have been added for Grab and Go meals for children in addition to the four sites already in operation and staffed by our Food and Nutrition Services staff. New locations will operate from 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm.

Sites are at Witham Hill (located at the city bus stop at the top of Witham Hill) and Adair Village at Santiam Christian School, 7220 NE Arnold Avenue. Our other sites include Lincoln and Wilson Elementary Schools, Linus Pauling Middle School, and Clemens Primary School in Philomath. Hours for these existing sites are 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm. We are grateful for the work of our staff who are preparing and serving over 1,200 meals per day.

Health Navigators Update

While schools have moved to Distance Learning, our Health Navigators have been very busy with referrals to social services (food, clothing, shelter) and with helping families access, understand, and use the “Internet Essentials” kits so their children can participate in online classes. Navigators work with students at Garfield and Lincoln Elementary Schools and Linus Pauling Middle School and during the month of March, the number of “touches” jumped to 567, from 263 touches in February.  These staff provide important connections with our most vulnerable students and we are grateful for this partnership with Benton County Health Services.

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