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Superintendent Recommends Boundary Adjustment

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Superintendent Recommends New Middle School Boundary for Jefferson Elementary School

Superintendent Noss attended the final task force meeting to listen to the group’s deliberation and heard about the challenges the task force faced. The superintendent’s recommendation was informed by the work of the Boundary Review Task Force.

One of the primary concerns as the task force grappled with a map recommendation was to make a meaningful difference in the enrollment imbalance at the middle schools that would continue into future years. Another issue for the task force members was the “summary statistics” provided with the map scenarios. The data provided was based on where students live, which is not a true reflection of our current school enrollments due to the number of transfers (programmatic and choice) in our district.

After a detailed analysis of current enrollment, and based on the challenge of using the summary statistics provided by FLO Analytics, Superintendent Noss provided a recommendation that incorporates enrollment data reflecting where students attend as opposed to where they live.

  1. The superintendent’s goal is to approximate enrollment to 750 students at Linus Pauling and 700 students at Cheldelin.
  2. School-community feedback indicated a significant concern about dividing the student cohort at Jefferson Elementary.
  3. Using the updated enrollment data and to address the cohort concern, Superintendent Noss recommended redrawing the middle school boundary to include Jefferson Elementary as a feeder school to Cheldelin Middle School and Crescent Valley High School.

Superintendent's Implementation Recommendations

The boundary adjustment would go into effect for the 2020-21 school year. Current and future Jefferson 5th graders would attend Cheldelin Middle School.

  • Transfer policy JCA allows for transfers as space is available and includes prioritization for siblings if spaces are limited.
  • Students in the Life Skills program would continue to attend Linus Pauling Middle School and Corvallis High School with placement determination by an IEP team.
  • Bus routes will be developed for the new Cheldelin Middle School boundary area.
  • Current Linus Pauling students in grades 6, 7, and 8 would continue to Corvallis High School unless a transfer request is made to attend Crescent Valley High School.

The School Board will be seeking public input on the proposed revisions and communications will be shared with district families in the next week with opportunities to provide input.

About the Boundary Review Process

The boundary review process began in order to:

  • create a balance between high school attendance feeder systems
  • align future student populations with future school capacities
  • identify implications for the 2018 Bond Program
  • intentionally engage community members of underserved, diverse or marginalized individuals and groups

The Boundary Review Task Force (BRTF) attended weekly meetings starting in early December and ending in March 2020. The process and meetings were facilitated by FLO Analytics, a consulting firm with expertise in data analysis and experience in assisting school districts with boundary changes.

The Task Force’s charge was to create a recommendation for adjusted boundaries that balances enrollments across high school feeder schools, prepares schools for growth, and identifies implications for the 2018 bond program.

Who Provided Input

The Boundary Review Task Force (BRTF) was comprised of building administrators, current parents/guardians of students in CSD schools, and School Board liaison Sarah Finger McDonald. Parent/guardian task force members were selected from an applicant pool of 32 parents and guardians. FLO Analytics staff and Assistant Superintendent Melissa Harder facilitated the process and meetings.

The BRTF also provided opportunities for public input from parents and guardians and community members.

  • All BRTF meetings were open to the public. While public comment could not be provided at meetings due to time limitations, the BRTF reviewed all written comments.
  • The BRTF held its first open house where the first working boundary adjustment map was presented. Approximately 200 online surveys were completed in January in response to the first working map.
  • The BRTF held its second open house to present the second working boundary adjustment map based upon community feedback. Approximately 230 online surveys were completed in February in response to the second working map and proposed changes.

The Boundary Review Task Force held its final meeting on March 3, 2020, and a boundary adjustment was finalized. Their recommendation included a larger portion of the Jefferson boundary area shifting to the Cheldelin Middle School and Crescent Valley High School boundary areas.

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