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Student Transportation of America (STA) Selected as New Student Transportation Services Contractor

School bus

Effective July 1, 2019, Student Transportation of America will be the bus service contractor for the Corvallis School District. Services include home to school transportation, individualized transportation, high school shuttles, and activity and field trips.  STA was selected based on a number of criteria including the quality of service and performance record, ability to meet the District’s performance goals, fees/total cost, ability to retain qualified employees, safety program, fleet plan including a replacement plan for equipment and quality of maintenance program, and the company’s commitment to and documentation for environmental sustainability.

Three companies submitted bids to the RFP and all were rated by a team using multiple criterion. STA scored the highest in employment practices and for their ability to meet the transportation needs of the District. They have secured property for a conveniently located bus barn that has space for all buses.

“We are excited and hopeful that next year we will have adequate STA drivers which will be a huge improvement in transportation services for our students,” said Becky Weeks CSD Transportation Coordinator.

STA is currently hiring their team.  Bus drivers and a bus router have already been hired. The company has ordered a new fleet of buses for the 2019/20 school year and is developing home to school and individual bus routes for next school year.

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