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School Board Prepares for 2021-22 School Year

Sami Al-Abdrabbuh elected as chair, Shauna Tominey joins the board

Bond Update: Old Lincoln School Scheduled for Demolition

Materials to be Salvaged and Repurposed

Bond Update: Summer Construction Projects

Work is taking place throughout Corvallis this summer

New Administrator Announced for Research, Assessment and Growth Coordinator

Leigh Santy has been hired as the new Research, Assessment and Growth Coordinator

Summer Meal Program Begins June 22

Meal sites open to all children age 18 and younger

Summer Programs Update and Resources for Families

Recursos de verano para las familias

School Name Recommendations Submitted to School Board

Names for Jaguar, Husky, and Wildcat Schools Recommended

Superintendent’s Update

Shared with the Corvallis School Board on June 10, 2021

Bond Update: College Hill Neighborhood Meeting

Meeting was held via Zoom on June 7

Theater Diversity Advisory Committee Members Announced

Committee to hold first meeting on June 14

Budget Committee Approves 2021-22 Budget

Budget totals $330.4 million for all funds

District Closed May 31 in Observance of Memorial Day

Corvallis Schools Nearing End of 2020-21 School Year

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