This time of year can be filled with stress and anxiety. Students may be struggling with academics, exams, extracurricular activities, social circles, and maintaining balance between all aspects of their life. Students may also struggle when returning to school after winter break, because of their return to a structured routine. Corvallis School District would like to remind parents and guardians of the resources available to them and their students for mental and emotional health.
We provide students with mental health education and resources during school. This fall, elementary and middle schools implemented a new curriculum, The Great Body Shop, that provides age-appropriate education that includes mental health. Additionally, over 600 staff have been trained in QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) this year. This training provides the knowledge and resources needed to help prevent suicide. We also will be implementing Sources of Strength, a mental wellness program for youth suicide prevention. While our schools do provide education and resources for students, we would also like to emphasize that parents, guardians, and families play an important role in promoting positive mental health.
Parents and guardians should be aware of the warning signs of mental illness. Signs include, but are not limited to:
If you notice any one or more of these signs, it is important to talk to your child and their Primary Care Physician, and encourage them to talk to a professional. Stigmas surrounding mental health will be perpetuated if we don’t provide the avenues to talk about it.
For more information about warning signs and how to talk about mental health, visit
Through a collaboration of local mental health providers and advocates, students and their families also have access to a free app: MHU: Mental Health & You, available on Android and Apple smartphones. The app provides resources for those with mental health issues and their loved ones. Resources include a direct crisis hotline, a resource center, and frequently asked questions regarding mental health. The MHU app has been downloaded to all middle school and high school student iPads.
There are several mental health hotlines that are available and easily accessible. A local resource, The Benton County Mental Health Crisis & Information Hotline (1-888-232-7192), is available 24 hours a day. Calls are confidential and mental health professionals provide crisis intervention and referrals. The Crisis Text Line is also a 24/7 service where Crisis Counselors provide confidential support for free. Text “OREGON” to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor.
If you or someone you know is in need of immediate assistance, please refer to the following immediate help lines:
Corvallis School District is dedicated to providing students with mental health support and resources for social and emotional well-being. Additional resources are available on the district’s website on the Health & Wellness page.