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Kathryn Jones Harrison Elementary Interim Principal Announced

Dr. Sara Johnson

Dr. Sara Johnson has been hired as the interim principal at Kathryn Jones Harrison Elementary School for the 2023-24 school year. She will fill the vacancy while current principal Beth Martin takes a leave of absence for a one-year assignment as the principal at Berkeley Academy, an international, multicultural studies school in Santa Ana, Costa Rica starting July 1, 2023.

Dr. Johnson most recently worked as the Crook County School District Superintendent. Before that, she worked for the Klamath County School District as the director of assessment, equity, and school improvement and for the Sumner School District as the superintendent. Dr. Johnson has also been recognized as the Oregon 2022-23 Superintendent of the Year and has worked in public education for 32 years as an elementary teacher and principal.

She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree and a Masters of Teacher Education Degree from Eastern Oregon University, an Education Administration Certification from Lewis and Clark College, a Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership from George Fox University, and an Ed.S in School Psychology from George Fox University. 

“Dr. Johnson’s credentials and leadership experience speak for themselves,” shared Superintendent Ryan Noss. “She has a proven record of effective leadership in Oregon’s public education system, and the Kathryn Jones Harrison community is fortunate to have her leadership for the 2023-24 school year.”

The district is pleased to welcome Dr. Johnson to the district’s leadership team.

Dr. Sara Johnson

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