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January is School Board Recognition Month

The Corvallis School District will join school districts throughout Oregon to celebrate January as “School Board Recognition Month,” Superintendent Ryan Noss announced today. “Our school board members spend hundreds of hours of unpaid time working to make sure that we are providing the best possible education for students in our district and they serve as the corporate board of directors for one of our community’s largest employers,” said Superintendent Noss.

Board members will be officially recognized by district leaders at the January 17 board meeting.

School board members represent the community’s views and values in the complex work of guiding the Corvallis School District on a strategic path towards student achievement for all students, no matter what challenges they might be navigating. The school board also reinforces the principle of local control over public education, which is an important and highly valued aspect of education in Oregon.

The primary work of the Corvallis School Board is to focus on continuous improvement by questioning, examining, revising, refining and revisiting issues related to student achievement. They recently adopted a set of strategic goals with measurable outcomes in the areas of student achievement, equitable systems, real-world learning, health and wellness, and long range facility planning. Board goals are available for review on the district website. https://www.csd509j.net/about-us/strategic-path/

While they often are working in the background, the school board makes key decisions about funding priorities and the school district’s strategic path. We value their contributions and are grateful for their year-round efforts on behalf of students. Thank you to Vincent Adams, Sami Al-Abdrabbuh, Loren Chavarría, Jay Conroy, Sarah Finger McDonald, Terese Jones, and Ed Junkins for your service!


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