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HS Athletics Reopens with Fall Sports

CHS soccer game

On February 10, 2021, Governor Kate Brown announced that beginning this week, outdoor contact sports will be permitted to resume with health and safety protocols in place based on county risk level. In Lower Risk and Moderate Risk counties, practices and games for outdoor contact sports, including high school football, can resume following health and safety guidance to be issued by the Oregon Health Authority.

In Benton County, due to our Extreme Risk level, our district will opt-in to resume outdoor contact sports with additional protocols in place. This includes

  • offering on-site responsive testing for symptomatic individuals and close contacts,
  • contact information for contact tracing,
  • and a waiver identifying health and safety risks and a commitment to isolation and quarantine if exposed to COVID-19.

All Oregon Health Authority and ODE health and safety requirements will be followed. All coaches have completed a COVID-19 training and masks will be required at all times for contact and team sports. Contact tracing will be followed through a player check-in process.

Corvallis School District will be participating in OHA’s on-site responsive testing for symptomatic individuals and those with known exposures to individuals with COVID-19. These tests apply to students, staff, athletes, and volunteer coaches. Parents/guardians will be required to sign a consent form for the self-administered test.

Following the Oregon Schools Activities Association (OSAA) guidance and season calendar, the Corvallis High School and Crescent Valley High School Fall sports season will begin competitions the week of March 1. Sports approved to take place are Cross Country, Football, and Soccer. Volleyball will not be allowed due to the County’s Extreme Risk category but volleyball players have been conditioning in small groups. Sideline Cheer will also get underway.

A few important reminders for students and families:

  • Spectators are NOT allowed.
  • Please DO NOT congregate outside athletic venues; referees could stop the game.
  • Competitions at home and away are planned to be live-streamed and we will be sharing details about how to access the school sports network soon.

Families with questions about participation are encouraged to call the school athletics department:

Corvallis High School: Call 541-757-5917 or email [email protected]
Crescent Valley High School: Call 541-757-5809 or email [email protected]

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