The Corvallis School District’s core values of community and relationship are at the forefront of the work that is happening in the district as our community navigates the COVID-19 public health crisis. We are working together to get through this challenging time by sharing accurate information, leaning in with empathy for the worries and concerns of each other and the broader community, and by finding creative ways to think about how we connect, support one another, and continue to support student learning. Details about supplemental learning will be communicated with students and families the week of March 30.
In response to the Governor’s Executive Order 20-12, all Corvallis School District Buildings are closed to staff and the public effective 12:00 noon on Tuesday, March 24. This encompasses all school facilities including playgrounds and athletic facilities.
Food service staff are maintaining social distancing to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Grab and go meals continue to be available from 12-1 pm at four school sites. Locations are Garfield, Lincoln, and Wilson Elementary Schools and Clemens Primary School in Philomath. Children must be present to pick up a meal and those who are driving, are asked to stay in their car for “drive-through” pick up.
Construction and manufacturing were specifically exempted under the Governor’s order so long as they “ensure that their employees are maintaining social distancing measures.” The district’s bond project managers have ensured that our contractors are in compliance with this requirement and projects will continue as planned at Garfield Elementary, Lincoln Elementary, Cheldelin Middle School, Corvallis High School, Crescent Valley High School and Muddy Creek Charter School.
Donations to support basic necessities for families who need additional support may be made online through the Corvallis Public Schools Foundation. Families who need information or support, please call the district office Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at 541-757-5811.