In the previous Corvallis School District budget update, our district shared where our funding comes from, how the district develops its budget, and why our district will have less funding in the 2024-25 school year. The district also shared that we must reduce spending by $8.2 million to account for the difference between next year’s funding and our expenses.
Making this level of a cut is extremely difficult for a range of reasons. Because the district needs to reduce spending by $8.2 million and staffing is 78.5% of our budget, this requires a reduction of positions at both the district and school levels. The decision to reduce staff was not made lightly, and we recognize the challenges it presents.
It was crucial that the district first shared staff reduction information directly with staff whose positions were impacted by these reductions. This week, building administrators also had conversations with all staff in their building about upcoming changes. Now, the district is sharing this information so the community is informed about these changes.
The information below includes how these decisions were made, the staffing reductions happening, what is changing (and what is not), and how the district will make these adjustments while maintaining the quality of education and student support.
Updates will be shared as any additional decisions are made this spring.
In preparation for staffing reductions, district and school administrators met a number of times over the last five months to:
We also prioritized funding to maintain special education FTE. The overall goal was to keep as many reductions as possible away from the classroom and students. At the same time, because 78.5% of our budget is staffing, a budget reduction of $8.2 million impacts people and positions.
Based on these ongoing discussions with building and department leaders since December, here are the solutions our district is taking to address budget shortfalls.
We are reducing district office spending by $4.6 million.
We have continued a hiring freeze throughout the year.
We are reducing positions at the building level.
Over the last week, the district finalized staffing plans for the 2024-25 school year. Supervisors shared information directly with staff whose positions were reduced or who are receiving a different placement for the 2024-25 school year. This week, building principals also shared information about upcoming changes with all staff in their building so they could plan for the 2024-25 school year.
Budget Committee
Next week, the first budget committee meeting is Thursday, April 25, 2024. This meeting is at Lincoln Elementary at 6:30 pm and can also be viewed on the district YouTube channel. This meeting is an orientation for budget committee members. Budget committee members will learn:
At the following budget meeting on Thursday, May 23rd, the committee will do a first review of the proposed budget.
School Board
The next Corvallis School Board meeting is Thursday, May 9th. This meeting is at Lincoln Elementary at 6:30 pm and can also be viewed on the district YouTube channel. This meeting will include public comment.
At any time throughout the year, staff, students, families, and the community can provide input to the school board through written information, email, or public comment at school board meetings. More information here: School Board – Provide Input. There is always the opportunity for public comment at regular board meetings.