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Corvallis School District 2022 Golden Apple Awards

Corvallis Public Schools Foundation Golden Apple Awards

Corvallis School District 2022 Golden Apple Awards

One of the driving forces in our district’s continued improvements is the commitment of our staff to help our students fulfill their potential. To celebrate the work of Corvallis School District educators, the Golden Apple Awards were established more than two decades ago by local philanthropist Mario Pastega through the Corvallis Public Schools Foundation.

Over the last month, the Corvallis Public Schools Foundation recognized five educators to celebrate their outstanding contributions to students and the school communities where they work. These awards celebrate that behind every successful student stands extraordinary educators.

Below are highlights from the nomination letters we received for this year’s recipients.

Elton Kikuta, Third Grade Teacher, Kathryn Jones Harrison Elementary

Belonging, trust, safety, confidence, love, unending compassion, and humor – these are values that only begin to describe Elton Kikuta. These values are not ones that Elton strives for; they are part of the fabric that makes him who he is. Elton sees the beauty in every child, and he deeply believes in their potential. More importantly, the children know he does. 

He is at the heart of our school community. Elton seems to know exactly what each student needs. At times it may be straightforward – extra help practicing math facts or reading a story with him ahead of a lesson. Other times, such as when he left a note on a student’s desk before school in the morning saying, “Today’s a new day. I believe in you and I’m here for you. Let’s have lunch together today,” when the day before the student had received a behavior referral at recess. 

He showed up at a student’s house who had been really sick with the treasure chest so they didn’t miss out. He mailed letters home to his students over the summer to let them know he was still thinking about them and was there if they needed anything. He’s the first to advocate for his students – especially the ones that need it the most. His belief in them is unconditional. He has touched the lives of many.

Nancy Hausen, Campus Steward/Lead Custodian, Linus Pauling Middle School

Nancy is a leader within our custodial department. Her commitment to supporting staff and students is evident in her work. She is a trusted expert in her field and is often sought to help with hiring, development of protocols and procedures, and help with training new staff. She is up for any challenge. Through COVID, she helped develop safety protocols and has endured numerous challenges, always facing them with a smile and positive attitude. 

Nancy has served on the bond design guidance operations team, providing valuable input on how building design impacts building operations. She is highly respected by her building staff and her department. Our school community is better because of Nancy. 

Kelsey Hibbert, Dean of Students, Linus Pauling Middle School

As Dean of Students, Kelsey keeps her hand on the pulse of the building. She has created a space in the Student Center where students feel comfortable, where they feel heard and supported, and where they are able to solve some of their unusual problems. There is a reason why students seek her out; her relationships with them are positive and kind. In addition, Kelsey reaches out to students who often are not heard otherwise. 

As a colleague, Kelsey helps foster positive relationships between staff and students. She is highly organized, and each week Kelsey puts together videos of when the administrators read the positive references that are broadcast in all classes. She creates mini-lessons each week for school-wide showing that promote positive behaviors. Over the course of years, Kelsey has created strong working relationships with families. Kelsey is always positive about her work. She is always willing to pitch in to cover a class, organize an event, or give a presentation. The Corvallis School District is a better place with Kelsey as one of its employees.

Keith Moses, Art Teacher, Crescent Valley High School

For several years Keith has provided a supportive learning environment where our students thrive. He is especially gifted at supporting our historically marginalized students at Crescent Valley High School. He has made the CV art program what it is today—an environment where all students feel safe and included. He creates an especially welcoming place for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ students at Crescent Valley.

He is also deeply invested in our greater community, either through supporting adults in their learning or introducing younger students to the joy of art. He is the expert in our community that people go to for support of their art programs. Frequently, Keith opens up the art rooms on the weekends and evenings so students can work on projects. He is amazing at how he individually challenges each student to do their best work, even students that are not officially enrolled in one of his classes. Keith is a humble, compassionate servant who will frequently help students apply for recognition for their amazing work.

He personally delivered art supplies and ceramic wheels to our students so that they could work from home during remote learning. No matter what the challenge, Keith will find a way to provide the most amazing learning opportunities for our students. He is exactly the type of educator and person that is deserving of the Golden Apple Award.

Chris Hawkins, Student Support Specialist

Chris is a trusted, compassionate first responder for students, staff, and schools. Her wisdom and capacity to connect those in need to resources is one of her many strengths. Whether her work is prevention, intervention, or postvention, Chris sees the forest as well as each tree. She unites our school district as well as our community to create systems of care for students and families as needed. Chris’ immediate response to the pandemic was to secure funds and community donations for the district food pantry that is still providing and delivering food to students and families. 

Chris is an innovator, an excellent listener, and is approachable. She is accessible 24/7. She will text, email, call, or show up in a heartbeat for those in need. She is generous with her time and more. Chris is a one-stop shop for helping our students, families, and teachers through moments of crisis, supporting those involved in emotional and stressful times. She also supports our staff by conducting training on crisis situations, including suicide, and is recognized as a suicide specialist state-wide. 

In addition to performing her job at an exemplary level, Chris has been instrumental in building lifelong relationships with colleagues. These relationships provide an inclusive work setting where staff feels heard, supported, and cared for. Staff often seek her out as a calming, reassuring resource that moves toward a solution.

Chris does all of these things with a calm demeanor, making those around her believe that things are in control and that our community can help students cope with their difficulties.

Congratulations to our 2022 Golden Apple Award recipients, and thank you to the Corvallis Public Schools Foundation for this celebration of our outstanding educators! You can watch the highlight video here.

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