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CHS Rock Removal Update

Corvallis High School front view

Last spring, Corvallis High School administrators and district facilities staff began planning for the removal of the CHS rock due to an increase in offensive graffiti on the rock, including profane, racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, and sexist messages. While there are similar issues at Crescent Valley High School, the rock at CVHS will remain, as it is currently within the surveillance camera area.

CHS school leaders had planned to communicate the planned removal of the rock but due to a number of schedule changes and the cancellation of school, were unaware that the timing had moved to this week. School and district leaders understand the upset feelings about this removal taking place during these trying times and worked immediately to meet with senior class leaders.

CHS senior class presidents were scheduled to meet with Principal Matt Boring last week and were expected to propose an additional rock to be installed on the school campus to be used for announcements and messages. The meeting was canceled due to the ordered school closures. Principal Boring had planned to share the plans to remove the existing rock and explore the idea of placing a rock in a location more easily monitored by staff and camera surveillance.

This morning, he met virtually with senior class and ASB presidents, and their leadership advisor. The discussion included the idea of a new rock, one placed in the courtyard outside the cafeteria. This location acknowledges current reality — the rock needs to be in a more secure location–and ties into past tradition —  the rock was located in the courtyard at the old CHS.

“There is great symbolism in placing a new rock this year and having the class of 2020 tied to something that is solid and strong,” shared Boring. “This class is showing and will continue to show resilience through a senior year that has been upended in unprecedented ways.  I look forward to working with our students to replace and celebrate the tradition of the CHS rock.”

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