
Celebrating Kindness and Tolerance in our Schools

In an effort to nurture positive school environments, all CSD elementary schools are participating in a two-week “gratitude campaign”. This effort was inspired by the Look for the Good Project and began during the first two weeks of November. The idea behind this program is that positive thoughts and actions helps kids respond to conflict with creativity and compassion and can decrease bullying and nurture a more inclusive school community.

During November, orange “Gratitude Spots” on hallway floors will be displayed to remind students and staff to think about what they are thankful for. Each morning, students will be asked to write a gratitude to be added to a “Gratitude Wall” to be displayed in the school.

In addition, students will be encouraged to exchange orange “kindness cards” which say “You Matter” to fellow students. Students will also be involved in writing letters of gratitude to someone who matters to them.

Families are encouraged to have gratitude conversations at home by using the following questions:

  • How has a person made your life better? What is one thing that they did that really made a difference?
  • How does gratitude make us more kind?
  • Is it difficult to share gratitude with people sometimes? Why do you think this is?
  • Name three things you were thankful for today.

“Our elementary principals are united in their efforts to create positive and welcoming school communities,” shared Elementary Schools Coordinator Amy Lesan. “We are excited to roll out this project with our youngest students and create a ripple of acts of kindness throughout our school district.”