While budget committee meetings do not start until May of this year, the budget process for 2019-20 is well underway.
Finance staff, district leadership, and the school board have been working towards the proposed budget since last summer. The following work has already been completed:
The proposed budget is currently being developed. Staff are examining resources and expenditures at the school and department level to develop top priorities. These priorities developed by the schools help determine where funds are most needed. In the event the district’s revenue received by the state is smaller than expected, the district reevaluates expenses and allocates resources based upon school priorities.
While the first budget committee meeting will be open to public comment, it is important for school communities to get involved now by providing feedback regarding budgetary needs. This stage of budget development is crucial, as principals and administrative staff determine their school’s priorities in staffing, programs, supplies, equipment, and other resources. The best way to get involved at this time is to direct any comments about your school’s budget to your school’s principal.
The first budget committee meeting is May 2, 2019. The meeting will include the presentation of the superintendent’s budget message and proposed budget. The meeting will also be open to public testimony. Based upon public testimony and other input, the budget committee can make revisions to the budget. The budget committee ensures the proposed budget aligns with district and student outcome goals, as well as our Multi-Year Strategic Financial Plan.
For more information about the school district’s budget process, visit the Budget page in Financial Services on our website.