The second meeting of the Budget Committee was held on June 2, 2020, in the School District Board Room. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held virtually and no public seating was available. The meeting was made available to the public via the District YouTube channel and a recording of the meeting is available here: The public was invited to provide comment prior to the meeting or via the virtual meeting.
The agenda included time for public testimony and follow up questions from the budget committee members. A copy of the proposed budget is available on the district website HERE.
Committee chair LeeAnn Baker opened the meeting to committee member questions and discussion related to proposed funding levels and anticipated revenues. The meeting ended with a vote of approval of the 2020-21 budget. The budget will now be presented to the school board for a final vote at their June 11 business meeting.
The budget committee consists of the members of the school board and an equal number of citizens at large. The citizens are appointed by the school board and serve terms of three years. Terms are staggered so that about one-third of the appointed terms end each year.
LeeAnn Baker ………………Term Expires June 30, 2020
Katherine Bremser ………Term Expires June 30, 2022
Joshua Clark …………………Term Expires June 30, 2020
Bill Dougherty …………………Term Expires June 30, 2021
Margit Foss …………………Term Expires June 30, 2022
Andrew Freborg …………..Term Expires June 30, 2022
Peter Sabee-Paulson ……Term Expires June 30, 2021
The budget committee reviews the proposed budget and receives testimony from patrons. Based on public testimony and other input, the budget committee can make revisions to the budget. The budget committee concludes its work by recommending a budget and a tax levy. The recommended budget then moves to the school board for final public input and adoption by June 30.