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Bond Update: Renovations Continue, Summer Logistics Underway

Letitia Carson main office with desks and woman on phone

Phase 2 Construction Begins at Letitia Carson and Kathryn Jones Harrison Elementary Schools

The construction teams at Letitia Carson and Kathryn Jones Harrison Elementary Schools have been working on major renovation projects throughout the schools since last June. Student support spaces have been completed and were opened for school use in November and the renovated school libraries and front office and administration areas opened the week before spring break. The new bench in the front entrance at each school is constructed from a salvaged beam from the old Lincoln gym.

The start of Phase 2 work at each school included excavation and underground work for the new classroom additions and the structural work of the covered bike parking areas.

  • Phase 2 projects at these two schools include the covered bike parking area, with an educational solar array, a new multi-use dining commons, an Art/Science classroom, additional classrooms that will replace the modular classrooms, and other site improvements.
  • All projects are scheduled to be completed next summer and ready for school use next September.

Overview of Remaining Bond Projects

The District’s move coordinator has been meeting with principals and school staff at Adams, Franklin K-8, Mt. View, and Harding Center/College Hill. Staff at these schools will start packing later this spring in preparation for summer construction.

Adams Elementary

  • Modulars were moved to the school campus (in the bus loop) during spring break. This will support the school and provide cost savings. The school bus loop will be moved to the Western View site and school staff will provide chaperoned walking school buses to the school. Abatement in the hallways and the locker rooms will be the first activities to get underway with construction to get underway this spring.
  • Permits have been received. View the Adams project list here.

Franklin K-8

  • Construction trailers will be set up in the SW corner of the school site and the city has issued the permit for this project. The library and locker rooms have been emptied in preparation for construction activity after spring break. These areas will be closed for the remainder of the school year and will be ready for students next school year.
  • Permits have been received. View the Franklin project list here.

Mt. View Elementary

  • Construction mobilization will begin later in the spring with construction activity starting in June.
  • View the Mt. View project list here.

Harding Center/College Hill

The Harding Center programs will be moved to temporary locations and the entire building will be turned over for construction activity starting this summer.

  • For the 2022-23 school year, the WINGS classroom will be relocated to Cornerstone Associates offices and the Urban Farm program will stay on the school site.
  • This summer, College Hill will be moved to the Corvallis School District administration building and district administration staff will be relocated to various locations throughout the district. Logistics planning is underway.
  • Bidding for the Harding Center project is on schedule and expected to go to the school board for approval on May 4, 2022.

Cheldelin Middle School

  • The new library circulation desk installation completes Phase 1 of the Cheldelin bond projects.
  • Permits have been received for Phase 2 projects including HVAC work and seismic upgrades which will be completed this summer. 

Bond Oversight Committee Vacancy - Apply by April 1

An important part of the 2018 facilities bond is the Bond Oversight Committee, an independent community-based body in charge of monitoring the planned improvements, costs, schedule and progress of the bond program. There is currently a vacancy on the Bond Oversight Committee due to the resignation of a committee member.  The deadline to apply to serve on this committee is April 1, 2022.  The selection to fill the vacant seat will be announced by April 8.

View the Bond Oversight Committee page for meeting notes from the 2021-22 school year.

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