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Bond Update: Hoover Community Information Night

Hoover design committee meeting photo

Co-hosted by Ward 8 City Councilor Ed Junkins

A Community Information Night and Ward Meeting will be co-hosted by Ward 8 Councilor Ed Junkins and representatives from the Corvallis School District. The meeting date is Tuesday, November 5 at 7:00 pm in the school gym. North Corvallis neighbors and community members are invited to learn about the plans for the new Hoover Elementary School that will replace the existing building. The meeting will be opened by Councilor Ed Junkins with city and ward updates, followed by a short presentation from the school district and opportunities to review the design plan.

A Design Advisory Committee, comprised of Hoover parents, staff and neighbors met with architects five times over the last year, providing input and feedback on design concepts. The committee completed their work this fall. Construction of the new school is scheduled to begin in summer 2020.

The existing school and relocated portable classrooms will be operational while the new school is under construction and all students will continue to attend the school during construction. The new building will be located in the northeast section of the site. Primary grades will be located on the first floor, the library, learning resource center, and grade 2-5 classrooms will be upstairs.

The site plan submitted to the City of Corvallis Planning Department includes access from Walnut Boulevard aligned with Aspen Drive. The design includes improved flow and access for multiple modes of transportation including two covered bike areas, multi-use path (12’ wide) with pedestrian access to the school without crossing the driveway. The school bus drop-off area is separated from the parent drop-off and is located on the northeast end of the building.

Information is available on the district website bond page at the following link: https://www.csd509j.net/bond-program/hoover-elementary/

Questions about the bond program may be directed to the Facilities and Transportation office at 541-757-5877.

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