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Bond Update: Architect Firms Selected, Bond Oversight Committee to Form

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Architect Firms Selected

The architect selection process is nearing completion with the selection narrowed to DLR Group for the elementary school bond projects and Pivot Architecture for the middle and high school projects. The district’s Bond Program Director, Dave Fishel has entered into scope and fee negotiations with both firms. Two collaborative team meetings have been held to align design and process strategies across all projects. A complete overview of the selection process is available online: https://v3.boardbook.org/Public/PublicItemDownload.aspx?ik=43150239

Bond Oversight Committee

This is an independent community-based advisory committee charged with monitoring the planned improvements, costs, schedule and progress of the bond program. A key role of committee members will be to actively communicate key information related to the bond to ensure transparency to all stakeholders. The Bond Oversight Committee will be composed of seven members and an ex-officio representative from the Corvallis School Board. Committee members shall primarily be professionals with experience in construction, finance, auditing, public budgeting, banking and general business. Committee members will be selected through an application process and approved by the superintendent.

At the first meeting of the committee, they will nominate and appoint a committee chairperson who will work with district staff to plan committee meetings and activities and to facilitate
committee meetings. The application to serve on the Bond Oversight Committee will be available on September 20 and shared through all district communication channels. The first meeting will be held October 22, 2018.

Bond Activities Happening This Fall

Each school will have a site based Design Team that will be an advisory committee to the bond management team. The team will consist of the project manager, architect, general contractor, maintenance department representative, principal, staff, students, and the greater community  This group will be asked to align recommendations to the district’s core values, educational specifications, and bond goals. Teams for all schools will be formed in October and will begin a regular meeting schedule.

District level Design Guidance Teams will also be formed with the purpose of establishing technical standards that will be used district-wide. These teams will consist of staff and/or various stakeholder group(s) that provide ideas and feedback throughout the school-specific projects. Examples of Design Guidance Teams include Food and Nutrition, Safety and Security, and Sustainability. These teams will be formed in October and November.

Information about getting involved in site based and design guidance teams will be shared in the coming weeks. Transparency and community engagement are an important measure of the success of the CSD Bond Program. To stay up to date on bond program activities, please visit the Bond Program page.

Bond Projects

A complete list of planned bond projects is available on the Bond Program page. As of September 13, 2018:

  • A bond management office has been installed in a modular building adjacent to the district central office. This is a temporary installation and will serve the needs of Wenaha Group, the construction management firm managing the district’s bond program.
  • A draft master project schedule has been developed and the bond program team is exploring ideas to create design schedules that gives  early design discussion opportunities to all site based teams early in the process.

Secondary School Projects (Package C)

  • CHS synthetic turf replacement (finished on schedule and $265,000 under budget)
  • CHS softball field, design and planning work scheduled for 2019
  • CHS Taylor Field Light Replacement – planning for 2019
  • CVHS boiler replacement in A-Building is a priority
  • CVHS track resurfacing and synthetic turf – work scheduled for 2019
  • Linus Pauling MS track resurfacing scheduled for 2019
  • Harding Center/College Hill HS construction scheduled for 2020
  • Cheldelin MS construction scheduled for 2021

Elementary School Projects (Packages A and B)

The DLR Group is forming their team and continuing to work with the district on Educational Specifications and collaborating on process development.

  • Lincoln and Hoover construction scheduled to start spring of 2020
  • Adams, Jefferson and Wilson seismic projects construction scheduled for 2019
  • Garfield construction scheduled for fall of 2019
  • Wilson construction scheduled for 2020
  • Mountain View construction scheduled for 2020
  • Adams  construction scheduled for 2021
  • Franklin construction scheduled for 2021
  • Jefferson construction scheduled for 2021

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