After the successful passage of the facilities bond measure in May, district officials immediately began preparing for the implementation of the bond program. The district is developing bond goals and a management plan to ensure a transparent and fiscally prudent bond program. Bond goals and a preliminary project master schedule will be presented at the August 16, 2018 school board meeting. District staff have begun working with the project management team from Wenaha Group to begin logistical planning for the bond program and later this month the district plans to issue bonds.
Students, parents, guardians, and community members will have a number of opportunities to participate in the bond program in the coming months. A Bond Oversight Committee and school design committees will be established this fall. More information about these opportunities will be available in August.
While major construction projects are anticipated to start in the summer of 2019, the first project that will get underway this summer is the replacement of the Corvallis High School synthetic turf field. “Our staff have done a great job of maintaining the field but it is a heavily used community resource and it is at the end of its useful life,” said Kim Patten, Facilities and Transportation Director. “The current field is 13 years old, with a life expectancy of 7-10 years. If it isn’t replaced now, we will have to close the field to all uses due to safety concerns.” An informational flyer as shared with neighboring properties adjacent to the field. There will be no public access to the area for the duration of the project.