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Bond Oversight Committee Vacancy Announced

bond oversight committee

An important part of the 2018 facilities bond is the Bond Oversight Committee, an independent community-based body in charge of monitoring the planned improvements, costs, schedule and progress of the bond program.

The Bond Oversight Committee actively monitors the bond program in the following ways:

  • Ensure bond revenues are used only for the purposes consistent with the voter-approved 2018 bond measure and consistent with state law.
  • Serve as a key communicator of information related to the bond to ensure transparency to all stakeholders.
  • Review bond program performance and financial audits; may inspect school facilities and grounds related to bond activities accompanied by district staff.

The committee meets quarterly to review reports produced by the district each year the bond proceeds are spent in order to assess general compliance with the bond measure approved by voters. The Bond Oversight Committee is comprised of seven members and a representative from the Corvallis School Board. Committee members are professionals with experience in construction, finance, auditing, public budgeting, banking and general business. The committee began meeting in October 2018 and met quarterly throughout the year.

Superintendent Ryan Noss announced at the August 15, 2019 school board meeting that there is a vacancy on the Bond Oversight Committee due to the resignation of committee member Chris Rochester.  An application process is available to those who are interested in serving. The deadline to apply to serve on this committee is October 10, 2019.  Applicants will be reviewed by the superintendent and his staff and a selection to fill the vacant seat will be announced by October 16.

The next Bond Oversight Committee will be held on Monday, October 21, 2019. Current committee members are Amy Crump, Chair, Richard Arnold, Brad Hamlin, Jennifer Richmond, Emily Valdez, and Gordon Zimmerman. The school board liaison is Jay Conroy. View the Bond Oversight Committee page for meeting notes from the 2018-19 school year.

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