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Bond Oversight Committee: July Meeting Notes Available

Corvallis School District 2018 bond logo

The Bond Oversight Committee was established in October 2018 to serve as an advisory group to the Superintendent. The purpose of this committee is to ensure bond revenues are used only for the purposes consistent with the voter-approved 2018 bond measure and consistent with state law. The committee meets quarterly to review bond program performance and financial audits as well as to serve as key communicators of information related to the bond. Meeting notes and materials are published to the District website following the meeting as soon as they are available.

The Bond Oversight Committee is composed of seven members and an ex-officio representative from the Corvallis School Board. Committee members are primarily professionals with experience in construction, finance, auditing, public budgeting, banking, and general business. Members of the public may attend meetings but public comment is not available at meetings. If you have questions or comments about the bond program, please direct to Kim Patten, Director of Facilities and Transportation.

Current committee members are Brad Hamlin (chair), Amy Crump, Richard Arnold, Emily Barton, Jennifer Richmond, Emily Valdez, and Gordon Zimmerman. Staff liaisons include Ryan Noss, Kim Patten, Olivia Meyers Buch, and Brenda Downum. Wenaha Group liaisons include Dale Kuykendall, Dave Fishel, and Julie Haymart. Jay Conroy is the School Board liaison.

Since the onset of Governor Brown’s school closure order, this committee has met virtually via Zoom. Meeting notes for the July 20, 2020 meeting are available on the Bond Oversight Committee page. The next meeting will be held on October 19, 2020. The location is to be announced.

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