Home | News | General | Bond Program | Bessie Coleman Elementary Opens January 6 to Students

Bessie Coleman Elementary Opens January 6 to Students

The Corvallis School District bond management team has been working closely with staff at the school, Fortis Construction, and the City of Corvallis, to ensure timely occupancy of the new building. The District anticipates receiving a temporary certificate of occupancy early in the week and students will return to the new school on Thursday, January 6.  

Staff at Bessie Coleman Elementary* were provided a tour of the new building on December 17 to ensure a smooth move-in before students return. Wenaha Group’s logistics team will be coordinating and supporting staff throughout the move-in process. Some of the new furniture will not be ready due to supply chain disruptions so classroom furniture that was stored for this purpose will be used.

Safe routes to the new school were shared with all families in December. Student drop off and pick up will be in the Northwest Hills Community Church parking lot located on the east side of the school campus and staff will escort students to the new building. Additionally, safety barriers have been added to separate the sidewalk from traffic on Walnut Boulevard in front of the old school. The half circle driveway (bus loop) off Walnut Boulevard is the new bus loading zone and unloading zone and reserved for bus use only before and after school. 

The old building is scheduled for demolition in mid-January. District staff and contractors will be salvaging reusable and recyclable materials before demolition. Once the old building is demolished, the new playing fields, parking lot, and intersection alignment with NW Aspen Street will be completed before September, 2022. District staff look forward to hosting a community tour of the new school later this spring.

Questions about the bond program may be directed to the Facilities and Transportation Department by email or by calling 541-757-5877.

*For details about the renaming of Husky Elementary to Bessie Coleman Elementary, please see the news item HERE.

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