This week, Superintendent Ryan Noss announced administrator changes for Cheldelin Middle School and Crescent Valley High School for the 2020-21 school year.
Crescent Valley Assistant Principal Jon Strowbridge will move to Cheldelin Middle School to serve as assistant principal starting July 1. He will fill the vacancy left by Kyle Mabry who has accepted a new position in Dallas, Oregon where he will be closer to family. We wish Mr. Mabry success in his new position.
Mr. Strowbridge has served as assistant principal at CV since 2018 and prior to that taught health, PE, and AVID classes at Cheldelin Middle School. He is a lifelong Corvallis native and a graduate of the Corvallis School District. He graduated from Oregon State University with a bachelors degree in Exercise Sports Science and he earned his Masters in Health Education from Western Oregon University.
Jennifer Still, the current interim principal at Jefferson Elementary, will move to Crescent Valley High School to fill the vacant assistant principal position starting July 1. She has nearly a decade of experience as a school counselor and prior to her current position, she worked as the District’s behavior consultant to serve students K-12 who have difficulties accessing their education. Ms. Still holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and a Masters in School Counseling from Oregon State University. She also holds a Preliminary Administrator License from Lewis and Clark College.