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2015-16 State Assessment Results

The Oregon Department of Education released results on the 2015-16 standardized tests for school districts in September.

Smarter Balanced replaced the OAKS (Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) test in 2013-14 and is an end of year summative assessment administered to specific grade levels in English language arts and math. Science standards and assessment remain the same as prior years. Rigorous changes in curriculum and instruction include increased writing and critical thinking skills, and the Smarter Balanced test assesses how well students can demonstrate proficiency in the more challenging standards.

In all grades, Corvallis students taking the Smarter Balanced (English Language Arts and Math) and OAKS (Science) tests outperformed state averages in all subjects. Corvallis School District students outperformed the state average by 7 to 18 percentage points in English language arts (ELA), by 11 to 20 percentage points in math, and by 7 to 19 percentage points in science.

While the district performed above state averages, we still have room for improvement. Last school year, the school board adopted new curriculum in ELA and math that creates a closer alignment with the career readiness standards of the common core state standards. We are focused on helping every student make progress and graduate from high school prepared for college and career. Our teachers utilize a number of key assessment tools throughout the school year to guide instruction and to ensure students are supported for educational success.

Later this fall, school report cards will be released with more detail about student progress towards meeting state standards. Graduation rates for 2015-16 will be released in late January, 2017.

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