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Technology Services

Technology Services staff are responsible for district network systems, hardware and software, and help desk support. This department also assists in the effective use of technology in support of student learning.

Our staff support all desktop and portable devices, servers, and all district network user and email accounts. We also support telephones, printers, and classrooms that are equipped with instructional technology including interactive white boards, voice amplification, projectors, and student devices.

Technology Support

Need help with a student device? Call 541-757-3911.
Technology help is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.

¿Necesitas ayuda con un dispositivo del estudiante? Llama 541-757-3911.
Ayuda con tecnología está disponible de lunes a viernes de 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.

Employee Resources

Your building SPOC is your first point of contact. Contact the Technology Services Center to put in a work ticket.

Student Resources

Wireless service is available throughout our schools to provide access to digital tools and resources that support student learning.

Our district’s policy adheres to all protection and privacy laws. All applications and websites used on student devices must meet specific criteria. We filter internet content and actively manage district-owned devices to protect students. Device use and screen time varies depending on grade level and types of learning activities. Talk with your child’s teacher if you have concerns.

Internet connectivity on all student devices is always routed through the school district’s compliant internet filter (CIPA) ensuring student privacy and grade-level appropriate content.

Before receiving their device, all students participate in digital citizen and cyber safety lessons. Digital citizenship lessons are age appropriate and include topics such as internet safety, privacy and security, cyberbully awareness and prevention, and information literacy. Similar to all rules and policies, there are ways that students may attempt to circumvent the filters for inappropriate use.

For more information about required filters see the links below:

Network Status Alerts

Want to Check on the Status of our Network Systems?

The CSD Status Dashboard displays current information for critical and important district services including email, web networks, and power outages. The dashboard is updated whenever status information for any service changes.

Please check the dashboard any time you are experiencing a slow down or disruption of service to obtain current status information. You may also subscribe for alerts via email.

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