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Multilingual Programs

Dual Language Immersion (DLI)

What is Dual Language Immersion (DLI)?

Our program is a two-way immersion program designed to emphasize challenging standards in reading, writing, math, science, and social studies while enriching our student’s development in both their first language and a second language. 

Developing a DLI program was one of the first steps as a district in service of our multi-lingual learners. The program began in 2001 at an elementary school and now spans K-12. Students who graduate from our DLI program graduate with the Oregon Seal of Biliteracy.

DLI helps prepare all students to meet the academic, social, and linguistic challenges of living in a global society. In addition to becoming fluent in another language besides English, students learn to appreciate other cultures and come to a deeper understanding of their own.

While learning a second language when they are young, students develop greater flexibility in the way they think, better problem-solving skills, and a better grasp and understanding of their own native language. Studies indicate that DLI learning can benefit students in several ways. Research consistently finds that the immersion experience enhances English language development (Cloud, Genesee, & Hamayan, 2000)

The curriculum for the elementary language immersion program is the same as non-immersion classrooms. All students are held to the same reading, writing, math, and science academic standards. The difference is that the instruction in an immersion classroom is 50 percent in English and 50 percent in Spanish. Most students with special needs also are successful in immersion programs when provided with the same support they would receive in a non-immersion program.

Our goal is that all students enrolled in the DLI program will work at or above grade level, develop high levels of proficiency in their first language and second language, and demonstrate positive cross-cultural attitudes and behaviors.

Since 2001, Corvallis School District is committed to the continual development of the DLI Program as the district recognizes the essential importance of:

  • Preserving languages and cultures – Building upon the linguistic and cultural capital of our communities and preserving rich heritage
  • Narrowing the performance gap between English Language Learners and English-dominant learners
  • Preparing students for success in school and to acquire life skills
  • Promoting and educating a multilingual/multicultural citizenry – To fully participate in local and global communities

Dual Language Immersion schools include Garfield Elementary, Lincoln Elementary, Linus Pauling Middle School, and Corvallis High School. 

  • Students entering in 2nd through 5th grade must demonstrate language proficiency prior to acceptance in a DLI school.

Questions About Our DLI Program

English Language Development

Our mission is to ensure that students gain the skills to be academically proficient in English in all language domains (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) and to ensure equal access to core content and access and understanding of the mainstream culture in an inclusive school community.

Educational Approaches in our Schools

We use educational approaches that are research based and considered best practice for the education of our Multilingual and English Language Learners. Multilingual or Emerging Multilinguals receive direct English Language Development (ELD) instruction each day either as a class period in their daily schedule or as an integrated and inclusive model within the classroom.

English Language Development (ELD)

Our goal is to guide student in gaining English language proficiency. The educational focus is about proficiency in oral language development, writing, listening, and reading.

Sheltered Instruction

Our goal is for students to access core content subject matter and gain fluency in English at grade-level standards. Content instruction is provided in English with adjustment by the teacher to the student’s proficiency level so subject matter is comprehensible.

Identification of Potential English Learners

  • All school registration packets include a Home Language Survey
  • If home language is other than English, student is assessed for English proficiency

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