Home | Departments | Student Growth and Experience | Graduation Requirements

Our goal is that all students graduate from high school prepared for a career path that matches their personal interests and skills.

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Oregon High School Diploma

To earn a high school diploma, students need to meet the following standards.

  1. Successfully complete the credit requirements for graduation.
  2. Meet personalized learning requirements.

Graduation Credit Requirements

 (24 total)

  • 4 credits English
  • 3 credits Mathematics*
  • 3 credits Science**
  • 3 credits Social Studies
  • 1 credit Physical Education***
  • 1 credit Health
  • .5 credits Higher Education and Career Path Skills***
  • .5 credits Personal Financial Education***
  • 3 credits Arts/ Career and Technical Education/Second Language****
  • 5.5 credits Electives

* Math credits must be earned at or above Algebra 1
** 3 lab experience/scientific inquiry credits
***This requirement begins in January, 2027.
****Any one or a combination
*****This requirement is reduced to 5 in 2027

Personalized Learning Requirements

The Personalized Learning Requirements personalize the diploma for each student and help students plan for their post-high school education and career goals. These include the Education Plan and Profile, Career-Related Learning Experiences, and Extended Application.

Students create their education plan and profile in our district’s Career Learning System (MajorClarity). The Education Plan and Profile includes:

  • Course history
  • A personality assessment
  • A learning style assessment
  • A four-year academic plan

In our district’s Career Learning System (MajorClarity) students:

  • Explore career pathways and occupations that match their interests
  • Write a career plan
  • Create a resumé

During grade 11, students attend the Benton County Career Convention and participate in mock interviews, meet with career panelists and connect with community partners and employers.

Oregon high-school graduates must meet the statewide Extended Application graduation requirement by completing one of two Extended Application options, creating a portfolio of their work and and doing a presentation in Senior Advisor.

Other Diploma Options

Most Corvallis School District students earn a standard Oregon Diploma, other options, such as a modified or extended diploma are available for students unable to meet the full set of academic requirements due to significant learning barriers. Additional diploma and certificate options are available with the consent of a parent or guardian and in consultation with the school team.

The Corvallis School District can award a modified diploma only to students who have demonstrated the inability to meet the full set of academic content standards for a standard high school diploma with reasonable modifications and accommodations. To be eligible for a modified diploma, a student must satisfy the requirements for a modified diploma established by the State Board of Education and have a documented history of an inability to maintain grade level achievement due to significant learning and instructional barriers or have a documented history of a medical condition that creates a barrier to achievement.

To be eligible for a modified diploma, a student must complete a total of 24 credits that include:

  • Two credits of mathematics;
  • Three credits of language arts;
  • Two credits of science;
  • Two credits of history, geography, economics or civics;
  • Once credit of physical education;
  • One credit health;
  • One credit in world language, Arts, or Career & Technical Education;
  • .5 credit in College and Career Pathways;
  • .5 credit in personal financial education; and
  • Eleven credits of electives.

Corvallis School District can award an extended diploma only to students who have demonstrated the inability to meet the full set of academic content standards for a high school diploma with reasonable modifications and accommodations.

To be eligible for an extended diploma, a student must while in grade nine through completion of high school, complete 12 credits, which may not include more than six credits earned in a self-contained special education classroom and shall include:

  • Two credits of mathematics;
  • Two credits of language arts;
  • Two credits of science;
  • Three credits of history, geography, economics or civics;
  • One credit of health; and
  • One credit of physical education; and
  • One credit of the arts or a world language

The Corvallis School District can award a certificate of attendance to a student who does not satisfy the requirements for a high school diploma, a modified diploma or an extended diploma if the student has maintained regular full-time attendance for at least four years beginning in grade nine and meets requirements established by the board of the school district.

All students meeting the requirements for certificate of attendance, modified, extended, or Oregon Diploma have the option of participating in graduation exercises.

The Honors Diploma is designed to recognize students who demonstrate that they are prepared for college. Students can earn this diploma by showcasing their academic strengths in Language Arts, Math Science, Social Studies, and/or World Languages.

To earn an Honors Diploma students must:

  • Have a minimum 3.98 Grade Point Average (GPA)
  • Complete 5 or more Advanced Placement (AP) or dual credit courses (earning 5 total credits) in any of the following areas: Language Arts, Math Science, Social Studies, and/or World Language
  • Earn A or B letter grades in all core classes (Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Language) in all high school years 
  • Have no N or W grades