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Talented and Gifted Education

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About TAG

Students eligible for TAG services may be provided with flexible grouping, differentiated instruction involving tiers of depth and complexity, scaffolding, accelerated instruction, advanced placement, or independent study.

Students are identified as talented and gifted in the following areas:

  • Intellectually gifted
  • Academically talented in reading
  • Academically talented in math

Multiple measures are always reviewed prior to any formal TAG eligibility determination.

Click here to view the Corvallis School District TAG Plan

District TAG Coordinators

If Your Child is Identified as Talented and Gifted

The parent/guardian will be notified of their child’s identification as talented and gifted, and of the programs and services available.

  • Good communication between home and school allows for questions to be raised and addressed.
  • Parents/Guardians may provide input and discuss the programs and services to be received by their child.
  • Parents/Guardians may request access to the records used in the identification process along with an explanation by a knowledgeable district employee.
  • The Oregon Department of Education has established a series of Oregon Administrative Rules which interpret the TAG education act and how it is to be implemented.

Organizations Supporting TAG Learners