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Bullying and Harassment Prevention

The Corvallis School District is committed to providing a safe, positive learning environment for all students. Staff is trained annually to ensure a safe and respectful environment is provided for all students.

Where we stand on Bullying

Our district’s response to bullying or harassment is to put a stop to the behavior quickly and consistently, provide students with positive behavioral supports, and to send the message that bullying and harassment are not acceptable.

What is Bullying?

Bullying is when someone keeps hurting, frightening, threatening, or leaving someone out on purpose.

  • Bullying is a form of intimidation or domination toward someone usually accomplished through some sort of coercion or force. It may involve physical aggression such as fighting, shoving, or kicking; verbal aggression, such as name-calling or threats; or emotional aggression, such as menacing looks or gestures, social isolation, or harassment.
  • Cyberbullying refers to using technology (usually computers or cell phones) to harass, threaten, humiliate, or otherwise harass someone. Examples include sending embarrassing or disturbing pictures, videos, or messages to someone, or spreading malicious rumors about a person via the internet or a cell phone.

Resources for Families

Parents, staff, and other caring adults all have a role to play to prevent bullying. They can model kindness and respect, encourage kids to share safety fears or concerns, and help kids understand the consequences of bullying behavior.

What You Can Do

Everyone in your student’s school has a role to play in bullying prevention. Administrators, teachers, counselors, and all support staff are expected to make every effort to help students feel safe in school. Elementary schools utilize Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) which includes proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create a positive school environment.

  • Talk with your student about what bullying looks like and how to define it.
  • Help your student understand the importance of treating everyone with respect.
  • Ask your student about their classes and what is happening at school.
  • Encourage your student to stand up for others.

School Board Policy on Bullying and Harassment

Hazing, harassment, intimidation, menacing, bullying, or acts of cyberbullying by students, staff, and third parties toward students is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated in the district. Board policy JFCF defines these behaviors and provides a formal complaint and investigation process. Policy JFCF-AR provides complaint procedures. The building administrator, district department director, and superintendent are responsible for ensuring that this policy is implemented.

How to Report a Bullying Incident

If a student is the victim of bullying or harassment or is aware of a bullying incident, he/she should immediately report the incident to their school principal, a teacher or a school counselor, who will then notify the appropriate district official.

  1. Informal complaints can be made orally or in writing and will lead to the administrator seeking a resolution that both the victim and the alleged perpetrator agree upon.
  2. Formal complaints must be made in writing and will be considered first by the building principal or an appropriate district official. A formal complaint requires parents to be notified of any complaint against their student and provides an opportunity for all parties involved to discuss the incident and provide evidence and/or a list of witnesses to help the administrator investigate the incident and determine disciplinary action if warranted.

The Corvallis School District Bullying and Harassment Compliance Officer is Assistant Superintendent Melissa Harder.

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