District nurses work to assure that all students have full participation in educational programs. Our nurses monitor the district’s health care practices and serve as a resource to building staff. Our goal is that all children are successful in school.
District nurses are responsible for implementing students’ physician-directed health care plans and care for ill, medically fragile, and injured students. They also facilitate vision and dental screenings at all schools and assist students in getting dental and vision services as needed. The district nurses visit schools regularly to provide training and to support staff with student health issues.
Prescription and non-prescription medication may be necessary for some students. Parent/guardians must provide a written request and permission which will be kept on file. Training is provided to designated staff as required by Oregon Law and the Oregon Health Authority.
When medications are brought to the school, the parent/guardian will need to count prescription medications with an office staff member. Both prescription and over-the-counter medications require a parent/guardian signature on the Medication Record when the medication is dropped off.
Some medications are allowed to be self-administered. This means no assistance or reminders are required from school staff. Please contact your child’s school office for more information on whether or not your child’s medication is allowed to be self-administered. All self-medications require a completed and signed Self -Medication Permission and Agreement form.
Todos los medicamentos deben ser traídos a la escuela por los padres o tutores.
Todos los medicamentos (tanto de venta con receta como de venta libre) requieren un formulario completado de “Permiso del padre / tutor para administrar medicamentos”. La información en el formulario de permiso de los padres debe coincidir con la etiqueta de prescripción o las recomendaciones de medicamentos de venta libre.
Cuando los medicamentos son traídos a la escuela, el padre / guardián necesitará contar los medicamentos recetados con un miembro del personal de la oficina. Tanto los medicamentos recetados como los de venta libre requieren la firma de un padre / guardián en el Registro de Medicamentos cuando se deja el medicamento.
Se permite que algunos medicamentos sean auto-administrados. Esto significa que no se requiere ayuda o recordatorios del personal de la escuela. Comuníquese con la oficina de su escuela para obtener más información sobre si el medicamento de su hijo puede ser auto-administrado.