
Drinking Water Safety

The State Board of Education adopted new rules related to testing for lead in schools in 2016. School districts and public charter schools are now required to report to the public findings of lead testing and testing for other environmental health factors within five days of receiving the results, as well as how they will support ongoing monitoring.

Water Testing in Corvallis Schools

We conducted lead and copper testing on all fixtures throughout the district in 2002. At that time, we took actions to reduce lead levels at locations that exceed EPA action level guidelines. Actions included replacement of fixtures or plumbing and re-testing. We test the well water at Mt. View and Dixie School annually in compliance with state drinking water program guidelines. Muddy Creek Charter School maintains the water system at Inavale School.

Based on issues that arose in other school districts in 2016, our district took precautionary steps to test for lead in drinking water in all schools and facilities and has developed standard protocols to address any issues that are found. Samples are tested by an independent, third party environmental lab.

If any elevated lead levels are found, we take steps to address the cause and provide a safe environment for students and staff. We will immediately:

  • Stop the water from being consumed and provide safe drinking water.
  • Identify and eliminate the source of lead.
  • Re-test water to make sure it is safe for students and staff.
  • Notify parents, students, and staff of the results and actions taken.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call 541-757-5877.

Water Testing Rules and EPA Recommendations

Federal Testing Recommendations

Our district follows the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommendations for school water testing. This means that 250 mL first-draw samples are collected from water fountains and other outlets used for consumption. Water fountains and/or outlets are taken out of service if the lead level exceeds 20 ppb. The school sampling protocol maximizes the likelihood that the highest concentrations of lead are found because the first 250 mL are analyzed for lead after overnight stagnation. More info