
Building Safety

We are committed to the safety of students and staff. We are responsible to mitigate risk in any way we can to our physical buildings and the people who occupy them. This involves day-to-day procedures and best practices for the safety of students, staff, and other visitors.

Structural Safety of our Schools

1995 – Started evaluating seismic performance of schools; specific structural evaluations performed in 1997 and 1999

1997 – Study consisted of FEMA 178 evaluations of all of the schools; helped to establish priorities for future evaluations; 1999 study consisted of detailed evaluations of the seven highest risk schools, along with detailed rehabilitation schemes for each

2002 – Based on the needs identified and the support of the community we were able to issue Bonds leading to the replacement of two middle school facilities with Linus Pauling and the Corvallis High School. Several other upgrades were also undertaken with these bond funds including roofing projects at several elementary schools, remodeling at Crescent Valley High School and the installation of seismic gas valves.

2006- Small-scale mitigation efforts are ongoing and include best practices for public buildings. Seismic mitigation includes stabilizing light fixtures, bolting bookcases to the wall, and similar practices.

2016 – Our elementary schools average more than 56 years old and will likely be emphasized in the current review of long range planning. The process will include recommendations for seismic safety enhancements as well as other considerations – security, technology and 21st century learning options, and program supports.

Building Audits

Facility assessments were completed in 2000. These assessments provide district leaders with a tool to prioritize resources in building maintenance and long range planning. A large portion of the work recommended in this assessment had been completed by 2007 or were in process in early 2008.

In June of 2007, Arbuckle Costic Architects conducted a facilities assessment of all existing facilities (excluding the two newly constructed schools: LPMS and CHS). A summary of the complete 2007 Facility Assessment is available here.

The most recent Facility Assessment was completed in 2013 and the report, published in February 2014, is available HERE.