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We are committed to sharing timely, accurate, relevant information with staff, students and families, and the Corvallis community. Our priority is to provide transparent and inclusive communications using multiple communication channels.

Get Connected

Parents and guardians need to provide up to date telephone and email information on school registration forms and notify the school office if information changes during the year. Be informed of communication channels available to you.

Subscribe to CSD Connect Monthly Newsletter

Community Flyers

The Community Flyers page provides families with information about community opportunities for enrichment and activities. Organizations may submit information to be shared upon approval by the district.

Share Good News and Positive Stories

We recognize the importance of our staff to help share the amazing things going on in our schools every day. Please use the form linked below to share celebrations, classroom activities, or other events to help us tell the story of our district. Thank you in advance for helping us share the amazing work being done in our district!

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