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Public Records Request

Oregon Public Records law provides for the release of public records maintained by a public agency, such as the school district, with some exceptions. School district records relating to the conduct of operations and functions of the District that have been prepared, owned, used, or retained by the District in any format are public records to which members of the public may request access.

When processing such requests, the District will provide the fullest assistance to the requestor and provide a response in the most timely manner possible. View Corvallis School District’s Public Records Policy KBA and procedures KBA-AR for more information.

  • Requests by current employees or their union representatives for employment records should be made to human resources.
  • Requests for student records by a current or former student or by the student’s parent/guardian should be directed to the assistant superintendent’s office.

Submit a Request

You may also complete this form to submit a public records request by email, mail, or in person during the district’s normal office hours:

MailCorvallis School District Office
ATTN: Kim Nelson
1555 SW 35th Street
Corvallis, OR 97333
In-PersonCorvallis School District Office
1555 SW 35th Street
Corvallis, OR 97333

How public records requests are processed

Order of Processing Requests

The District will typically process requests in the order received. However, requests may also be processed out of order if doing so allows the most requests to be processed in the most efficient manner.

Central Review

Records requests not made to the District’s Public Records Officer will be forwarded to the Public Records Officer for processing by building-level administrators, program administrators, or other staff receiving the request.

Five-Day Response

Within five (5) business days of receipt of a request, the Public Records Officer will do one or more of the following:

  • Provide copies of the record(s) requested or make the record available for inspection—or, in the alternative, provide an internet address and link to the District’s website where the specific record can be accessed (provided that the requestor has not notified the District that he or she cannot access the records through the internet); or
  • Acknowledge that the District has received the request and provide a reasonable estimate of the time it will require to fully respond; or
  • Acknowledge that the District has received the request, and ask the requestor to provide clarification for a request that is unclear, while providing to the greatest extent possible a reasonable estimate of the time the District will require to respond to the request if it is not clarified; or
  • Deny the request (although no request will be denied solely on the basis that the request is overbroad).

If the requestor fails to respond to the District’s request for clarification within 30 days and the entire request is unclear, the District may close the request and not further respond to it. If the requestor fails to respond to the District’s request for clarification within 30 days, and part of the request is unclear, the District will respond to the clear portion and may close the remainder of the request. The District may also seek a court order enjoining disclosure pursuant to law in unusual circumstances.

The District may deny a bot request that is one of multiple requests from the requestor within a twenty-four-hour period if the District establishes that responding to the multiple bot requests would cause excessive interference with the District’s other essential functions. The District may deem a request to be a bot request when the District reasonably believes the request was automatically generated by a computer program or script.

If the District does not respond in writing within five business days of receipt of the request for disclosure, the requestor should contact the Public Records Officer to determine the reason for the failure to respond.

Cost of providing records

The District has determined that calculating the actual costs of providing records in response to requests would be unduly burdensome because it would deprive its students of essential educational resources that support the District’s mission. The District, therefore, is using the statutory default fees for providing copies of records, which are as follows:

  • 15 cents per paper page
  • 10 cents a page scanned into electronic format
  • The actual costs of storage media, container, envelop, postage, and delivery
  • Charges can be combined if more than one type of charge applies

Additionally, as stated in KBA-AR, where labor effort exceeds 30 minutes, fees will be charged that will reimburse the district for the actual cost of providing copies of public records. Labor and benefits will be calculated at the affected employee’s hourly rate.  Auxiliary aids and services for qualified persons with disabilities will be available at no additional charge.

Contact Information

The current Public Records Officer of the District may be reached at the Corvallis District Office as follows:

Phone: 541-757-5994
Email: public.records.request@corvallis.k12.or.us

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