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Facts and Figures

School and District Report Cards

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) releases information about school performance in a report card format for individual schools and school districts each October. The profile includes academic performance and achievement highlights for the academic year.

Publications and Reports

2024-25 student enrollment is approximately 5,859 students, this does not include Muddy Creek Charter School. Each fall the Corvallis School Board receives an enrollment report from staff. Visit the School Board meeting page for dates and times.

School district superintendents are required to provide a Division 22 Report to their local school board regarding the district’s standing with respect to all Standards for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools as set forth in Oregon Administrative Rules 581-022-2305.

By November 1, 2023, school district superintendents are to report to their local School Board on the district’s compliance with all Division 22 Standards in effect for the 2023-2024 school year and to post the Division 22 Community Report for the 2023-2024 school year on their district website.

The full report is available at the link below.

In March 2023, the Corvallis School Board approved the Corvallis School District’s Integrated Guidance application. Integrated Guidance is an effort by the Oregon Department of Education to strategically combine the application and reporting requirements for multiple funds that support public schools. These funds include High School Success and Perkins funds, Early Indicator and Intervention Systems funds, and Student Investment Account funds.

At least once every three years, the district will evaluate the implementation of the Wellness Policy using a triennial assessment report provided by ODE. This assessment helps the district to celebrate what we are doing well and determine areas of focus within the Wellness Policy.

As required by the Student Success Act (2019 House Bill 3427), all Student Investment Account (SIA) grant recipients must complete an Annual Report and make it available on the district’s website. The Annual Report serves as an opportunity for the district to reflect and learn from our SIA implementation during the 2022-2023 school year. The four required questions ask the district to consider successes and barriers and use that learning to inform our next year of implementation.

Senate Bill 52 (SB 52), also known as Adi’s Act (ORS 339.343; OAR 581-022-2510), requires each school district school board to adopt a policy requiring a Student Suicide Prevention plan. These plans must be made available annually to students and the school district community and be posted on the district’s website, if applicable.

District suicide prevention plans that are compliant with state requirements provide procedural planning in the areas of prevention, intervention, and postvention, have equity and racial equity centered supports, and include a staff training process that outlines when and how students and families will be referred to appropriate mental health and crisis services.

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