The Oregon Department of Education released At-A-Glance profiles for all Oregon schools and districts today. The profiles for the Corvallis School District and all schools within the district provide a snapshot of student demographics, performance on state assessments, and specific programs and electives offered at individual schools. The profiles include data from the 2021-22 Oregon state assessments and graduation data from 2020-21.
District and school profiles give district leaders indicators of student performance and provide a broad view of student data. School data teams continually review group and individual student data, looking for patterns and linkages with risk factors, including attendance, grades, and credits earned. Identifying these patterns ensures that students receive the help they need to be successful in school.
After the pandemic, the district has moved through multiple phases, with the first phase primarily focused on care and connection. As students move to the next stage, there is a heightened focus on student achievement and academic rigor.
“We have seen significant improvement among our 9th graders who are on track to graduate, increasing from 79 percent in 2020-21 to 91 percent in 2021-22,” noted Superintendent Ryan Noss. A new metric this year measures the percentage of high school students enrolling in a 2-4 year college within 16 months of completing high school. For Corvallis School District, these numbers are 81 percent for Crescent Valley and 76 percent for Corvallis High School. “This demonstrates that students continue to pursue higher education and certificate programs, despite interruptions to learning due to COVID.”
The Corvallis elementary K-2 and middle school regular attendee rates were 72 percent, compared to the statewide average of 64 percent. The district encourages students to attend school every day. “We know that attendance matters, and missing two days or more per month impacts established goals for school attendance,” said Noss.
Ninth-grade special education students being on track to graduate is also included in the district report card. “While this measurement has increased from 71 percent to 78 percent, it is still below pre-pandemic levels, indicating there is a continued need for support to improve outcomes for all students,” shared Noss.
Although it still does not give a complete picture of school performance, this district profile provides an accessible at-a-glance report. District and school profiles also provide information about staff composition and demographics.
All district and school profiles are available on the district website.