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Oregon Department of Education: All Students Belong

Kids smiling

Last week, the Oregon Department of Education filed a temporary rule with the Secretary of State that focuses on the health and safety of students and educators by creating a safer and more inclusive school Climate. The All Students Belong rule prohibits the use of hate symbols in schools.

The rule requires districts to adopt and implement policies and procedures that prohibit, at a minimum, the use or display of the noose, swastika, or Confederate flag in any program or school-sponsored activities except where used in teaching curriculum that is aligned with the Oregon State Standards. This applies to both in-person and distance learning environments. The rule took effect on September 18, 2020, and districts will be asked to have policies in place by January 1, 2021.

According to Superintendent Ryan Noss, “This statewide rule is necessary, important and overdue. Schools are places where all kids should feel valued, known and represented. Symbols of hate have no place in our schools. In Corvallis, from the school board level and throughout our system, there is a commitment to equity. This rule supports that commitment.”

Our youth and communities of color, members of Tribal communities, and LGBTQ+ students across Oregon have experienced increasing levels of discrimination, racism, xenophobia, and hate, both through words, actions, or symbols, and via exclusion or inequitable access to resources. No student is immune from being a target of these harmful acts or exclusion, and no member of our school community should ever be in fear of physical, mental, or emotional injury.

In practice, this means our district will adopt policies and procedures for addressing bias incidents. Administrators will develop and implement policies and procedures for addressing incidents where these hate symbols are present in in-person or remote school activities. These responses will not include disciplinary strategies like suspensions, expulsions, or similar punitive measures unless there is a threat to health or safety. Instead, we will work to educate our communities and those displaying hateful symbols regarding the impact of their actions with non-punitive remedial measures. The Oregon Department of Education is providing initial guidance immediately with iterations of guidance, resources, and professional development to follow to provide a clear standard so that we can implement policies consistently and effectively.

Read the full news release from ODE at the following link: All Students Belong. If you have feedback for the Oregon Department of Education please direct your questions and comments to [email protected].

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