
Who to Contact

Community members, parents/guardians and students are encouraged to reach out to the Corvallis School District. Our staff members welcome questions and are happy to provide information.

Who to Contact

Call the Corvallis School District administration office541-757-5811
Ask about employment opportunities541-757-5840
Ask about student registration541-757-5811
Ready to register your student?Call your neighborhood school
Register a bus rider (STA Dispatch)541-757-1714
Learn about our budget541-757-5874
Ask about district facilities541-757-5877
Troubleshoot your technology device541-757-3911
Request high school transcriptsClick here
Request an interdistrict transfer541-766-4700
Enroll in Virtual Online Charter School541-766-4700
Enroll in home schoolClick here
Call the Superintendent's Office541-757-5841
Get emergency information (recorded message)541-757-4555

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