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Boundary Review Task Force Members Selected

School boundaries map

Corvallis School District Boundary Review Task Force members were selected from an applicant pool of 32 parents and guardians. Task Force members are current parents and guardians of students in the Corvallis School District and are representative of all schools in the district. Applicants representing Adams, Mountain View, and Wilson Elementary, Cheldelin Middle School, and Crescent Valley High School are still being sought and the full committee roster will be finalized this month.

Building administrators from all schools will also participate in this process.  The school board liaison to the committee is Sarah Finger McDonald.

Annalena Hukari, Garfield Elementary/CHS
Seema Bharwani, Garfield Elementary
Whitney Buckley, Jefferson Elementary
Nina Erlich-Williams, Linus Pauling/CHS
Denise Hughes-Tafen, Lincoln Elementary/Linus Pauling
Greg Hyde, Linus Pauling/CHS
Megan McQueen, Jefferson Elementary/Linus Pauling
Ben McLuen, Adams Elementary
Ana Maria Moreno, CHS/CVHS
Yan Wang, Hoover Elementary
Chris Young, Wilson Elementary
Jason Young, Franklin K-8/CHS

Update 12/31/19: Cassey Inman, Cheldelin (appointed 12/20/19)

This is an advisory committee to the superintendent. All meetings will be open to the public to observe. Written input from the public may be submitted to the task force. The task force assessment and analysis will:

  • Review, question and discuss one or more draft (“Springboard”) boundary adjustment scenarios prepared by district staff and consultants to identify implementation/policy issues, major flaws, unforeseen consequences and implications for the 2018 bond program.
  • Review and consider community input from open house events. Open house events will take place on January 21, 2019 at Cheldelin Middle School and February 18, 2020 at Linus Pauling Middle School. 
  • Come to a consensus as a Task Force on a preferred boundary adjustment scenario.

The task force will begin meetings in December and will complete their work by April 2020.

Notes and materials from these work sessions are available on the Boundary Review page.

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