There are a number of Climate Walkouts that are being shared widely on social media, including a planned student walkout on Friday, September 20. Students in Corvallis are organizing a walkout during the school day to show their support and will gather again outside the gates of the Friday evening CHS/CVHS football game at Corvallis High School.
Climate walkout activities are not school or district-sponsored events. Students are not required to participate and instruction will continue during any walkout event. At the high school level, students who leave class will be marked absent if they miss more than 18 minutes (20%) of a class period.
Administrators at all schools have developed an on-site supervision plan for students who choose to participate in these student-led events, as well as for students who choose not to participate. District staff will not participate in walkouts, except to provide supervision for on-site student safety.
The Corvallis School District Board Policy JFI allows for student demonstrations that are scheduled with building administration in advance and that do not disrupt classroom activities. Absences are not excused.
We understand that some adults may wish to show their support for students and for this issue, and we ask them to gather on sidewalks or public spaces rather than on school property. Those choosing to go on campus or enter a school building will be required to follow our visitor/volunteer sign-in process.