The District recently reached major design milestones on several projects. The schematic design phase is complete at Garfield, Lincoln, Hoover Elementary Schools and Crescent Valley High School. The schematic designs have been presented to the Design Advisory Committees and school building staff. Feedback was provided and will be incorporated by the architects as they move into the next phase of the design process.
Construction market conditions continue to put significant pressure on the budget. Schematic design estimates were completed by the CMGC contractors (Fortis on Garfield Elementary and Gerding on Crescent Valley High School) and an estimating consultant on Lincoln and Hoover Elementary Schools. In all cases, the estimates exceeded the original budgets so it is likely that Superintendent Noss will request that the Board allocate a portion of bond program reserves to those projects to cover the difference. The master schedule remains unchanged and is available HERE.
The technical teams have completed their work developing district-wide standards for all major products and systems for all the bond projects. Additionally, the Sustainable Design Guidelines are complete and will be implemented in all design efforts. Further information on the sustainable features of each project will be shared in the fall as the design process progresses.
The District is currently procuring a solar Partner for District Office Array and Battery Storage as part of the 1.5% renewable energy bond obligation. A district-wide solar feasibility assessment has been completed and will be used in the decision-making process about solar installations as part of the bond program.
The architect teams provided a Schematic Design Report to the School Board at their June 20, 2019 meeting. Presentations with site concept plans are available at the links below:
As design work continues on the previously mentioned projects, a number of construction activities are underway this summer. Projects include: