Adams, Jefferson, and Wilson Elementary Schools will be closed from June 21 through August 26. The projects will strengthen the roof walls and foundation to meet seismic requirements.
The building projects began last winter with site walk-throughs by the design team. This investigation allows the team to identify what’s there versus what was expected. Based on this work, the design team completed a seismic calculation to determine where walls might move in the event of an earthquake, taking into account masonry, wood, and glazing. All materials come into play in this analysis. Select walls will be strengthened based on a 3D engineering program that calculates which wall will need the upgrades.
Crescent Valley High School will have an artificial turf field installed and track resurfaced and will be closed to the public for construction.
Tracks at all other secondary schools will be resurfaced and will be closed to the public for construction this summer.
Questions about summer facilities closures may be directed to the Facilities and Transportation office at 541-757-5877.