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CHS Dixon Creek Riparian Zone Update

Dixon Creek riparian area

During summer grounds maintenance, the Dixon Creek riparian zone on the Corvallis High School campus was cleared by a seasonal landscaping crew.  The intended outcome was improved visibility to eliminate the risk of illegal camping and undesirable activity in the area that contributed to safety concerns on the school campus.  Unfortunately, the work resulted in removal of both invasive and native plants that create a habitat for wildlife, stabilize the creek bank, provide filtration for storm water runoff, and contribute to the overall health of the creek ecosystem.

The district has notified jurisdictions with authority over riparian zones and the affected wildlife, and is working with a natural resources consultant to begin plans for restoration of this riparian zone.

Our hope is that we can turn this situation into a learning opportunity for our staff, students, and community.  Activities will include effective restoration and preservation of the riparian zone, development of a long-term management plan, and increased educational outreach of the wildlife habitats that are present on our school campuses.

If you observe distressed wildlife in the CHS Dixon Creek riparian zone, please contact Chintimini Wildlife Center at 541-745-5324.

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